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The Housing presentation by the Office of Residential Life will cover topics such as applying for housing, selecting a roommate, selecting a room type, dining, and meal plans, move-in, and resources for students and parents.

Learning Communities

The Director of the Learning Communities team will present on signing up for a learning community. Participants gain access to faculty, peer mentoring, and advising designed to help them stay on track and finish in four years.

Date and Time:

  • Wednesday, October 9 - 7:00pm - 8:00pm CST

Schedule of Events:

  • 7:00pm - 7:05pm: Welcome & Introduction by Admissions
  • 7:05pm - 7:25pm: Housing Presentation
  • 7:25pm - 7:40pm: Learning Communities Presentation
  • 7:40pm - 8:00pm: Q&A

[{"id":"2516867","eventID":"23159","date":"2024-10-09","max":"100","maxGuests":"100","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-09-15 21:14:25","updatedAt":"2024-09-20 13:23:12","times":[{"id":"14178229","dateID":"2516867","start":"7:00pm","end":"8:00pm","max":"700","maxGuests":"700","signupsEnabled":"1","modified":"0","createdAt":"2024-09-15 21:14:25"}]}]

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